You are more experienced now, your bank account is larger, and it is easier to think further ahead.
Without barely a moment’s thought, you would protect your family from an immediate threat. But would make a plan to protect them from one in the future?
It’s easy to respond to problems in the present, but it’s much more difficult to look ahead with the same urgency, especially for situations we would prefer not to think about. When an unpleasant scenario unfolds, will you be ready?
Every risk management question begins with “what if?” What if you suffer a debilitating injury? What if you are injured (or worse) in a car accident? What if your family member develops a serious illness? These are all terrible events, so obviously, no one wants to think about them. But I can tell you one thing with certainty: It’s much easier to think about it now than it is during the moment in happens.
No one can force you to adopt the mindset of risk management. That is a personal choice you must make on your own. It requires initiative and a sense of responsibility.
One way to manage risk is by getting health and dental insurance. If you have never had a serious health incident or a root canal, you might not realize how expensive health care can be. The shock of the physical discomfort is disconcerting enough; you don’t need a devastating bill to make it even worse.
Travel insurance is another overlooked part of risk management. You may visit your extended family in a foreign country without much thought, but if you require hospitalization in a foreign country, the bill could be astronomical. Travel insurance can help you roam freely with peace of mind.
Term life insurance is the most basic of life insurance products in that it has no savings component, and thus no cash value. By the name, it is purchased for a 'term.' One of the most common uses of...
Permanent Life Insurance policies include insurance and savings in a single tax-advantaged plan. With Permanent life insurance you have the ability to change your coverage, deposits and often your...
Everyone who enjoys good health hopes it will last for a lifetime. But it doesn't always turn out that way. Sometimes life throws a curve. Injuries can happen. A disability illness could dramatically change your life...
Most people buy health insurance and insurance for home, car and other property replacement. However, fewer people buy long-term care insurance, either not thinking about it or hoping that their savings will be sufficient to meet any...
A critical illness can happen to anyone. And it does happen to many. Canadians are more likely to experience a critical illness than they are to die before the age of 75. For most people, the diagnosis is just the...
Providing an attractive employee benefit plan is key to hiring and keeping quality people. Whether your company has only a few staff members or you are a large complex organization, providing...
Guaranteed Investment Funds (also known as "Segregated Funds" or "Individual Variable Insurance Contract") are basically enhanced Investment Funds. They come with a protective wrapper provided by an...
Annuities are one of the simplest investment vehicles one could acquire. Simply put, when you establish an annuity, you are purchasing a lifetime income. Examples of annuities are, Canada Pension Plan...
Purchasing travel insurance is one of the easiest decisions you will ever make. However, the sad reality is that many Canadians do not purchase proper coverage before they travel and in some cases.
Individuals without health and dental benefits are subject to expensive fees for certain treatments. These costs are magnified when they involve a family. Most employers offer a taxable benefit program to partially...